About the Company – the Tower Theatre and Tavistock Repertory Guarantors Ltd.

The legal entity that runs the Tower Theatre is Tavistock Repertory Guarantors Ltd (TRGL).  Originally TRGL was created so that individuals could guarantee the rent payment by the Tower Theatre Company (formerly Tavistock Repertory Company) to the landlord at the Canonbury Tower.

Since 2015 the Tower Theatre Company and TRGL have been combined.  TRGL remains the formal registered company name, but the trading name continues to be the Tower Theatre. 

All members of the Tower Theatre Company are members of TRGL. They elect the Board of Trustees at the Annual General Meeting. If the company fails financially, members are committed to contribute towards any outstanding debts, but the amount of the guarantee is only £1.

You can find out more about the way the Tower Theatre is organised on our Management and Officers and How we run the Company pages.

Company Details

Tavistock Repertory Guarantors Ltd.  (trading as the Tower Theatre Company)

A Company Limited by Guarantee

Registered Office:  16 Northwold Road, London, N16 7HR

Registered at Companies House, Registration Number: 00510482

Charity Commission Registration Number: 219947

VAT Registration Number:  894 3396 74

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