The Tower Theatre’s Awards

The Tower Theatre Company presents two awards each year :

The Frank Smith Award is presented annually in memory of Frank Smith to a Company Member (or sometimes two) of less than three years standing in recognition of their commitment and involvement in a wide range of the Company’s activities. The award is made by the Management Committee. The winner receives a copy of Frank Smith’s book telling the early history of the Company, This Insubstantial Pageant, a free year’s Company membership and a free ticket to each show for a year.

The Barbara Waddell Award (previously known as the Harold Mellor Award) is presented annually in memory of Barbara to recognise someone who has made a significant contribution to the Company over a number of years. The award is made by the Management Committee. The winner receives a specially commissioned trophy.

The winners of the 2024 awards

Chaachi Deane
Jess Staufenberg
Landé Belo


1984Karen ReadheadRichard Willis
1985Sheila ThomasChris Seal
1986Fiona Clark 
1987Jonathan BadgerLotte Wynder
1988Records lost 
1989Abby-Lee Knight 
1990Anya NewsteadMike Hall
1991Fay Pedder 
1992Mike Crawshaw 
1993Andrew ShortGinny Cartwright
1994Terry Mathews 
1995Laura Brannigan 
1996Zizi SulkinJacky Devitt
1997Lily Ann GreenHoward Gossington
1998Dorothy WrightJosephine Stephenson
1999Kay PerversiChris de Pury
2000Nikki SmithTess Walsh
2001John Morton 
2002Steven HyndmanPhilippa Pearson
2003Jude Chalk 
2004Linky Trott 
2005Terry Baker-Self 
2006Martin Mulgrew 
2007Chris Paddon 
2008No award made 
2009Ruth Sullivan 
2010Jill Ruane 
2011No award made 
2012Bernice Molloy 
2013Michael Bettell 
2014David SprecherRuth Anthony
2015Stephen Brasher 
2016Dan Usztan 
2017Angharad Ormond 
2018Jon Gilmartin 
2019Rosanna Preston 
2020Matthew Ibbotson 

Angelika Michitsch

Anna Kidd
2023Feiyang Yang
2024Chaachi DeaneJess Staufenberg


1998Denis Turner 
1999Jim & Noreen Spall 
2000Jill & Dominic Batty 
2001Abby-Lee Knight 
2002Sheila Burbidge 
2003Kay Perversi 
2004Keith Syrett 
2005Penny & Laurence Tuerk 
2006Margaret Ley 
2007Nigel Martin 
2008David Taylor 
2009Stephen Ley 
2010Dinah Irvine 
2011Pat Grosse 
2012Colin Guthrie 
2013Richard Pedersen 
2014Sara Randall 
2015Sarah Ambrose 
2016Peter Westbury 
2017Nick Insley 
2018Jude Chalk 
2019Michelle Roebuck 
2020John Chapman 
2021Roanne Insley 
2022Stephen Brasher 
2023Phillip Ley 
2024Landé Belo
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