Auditions to join as an Acting Member

Company Auditions

To be eligible to audition for our shows you will need to pass a Company Audition. Auditionees will be asked to perform two contrasting pieces in front of a panel. Please note : you will need to join as a Friend of the Tower Theatre before you can apply to audition. (We have two types of auditions – for our internal Acting Company, and for individual Productions that we’re putting on throughout our three seasons a year).

Company Auditions are normally held every month at the Tower Theatre – forthcoming dates are :
Sunday 2 March at 11am and at 3pm
Sunday 6 April at 11am and at 3pm
Sunday 4 May at 11am and at 3pm
If you wish to audition, please contact our Membership Secretary, Stephen Brasher, by email.

Please note that you do not need to send a photo when you apply to audition. Please also note that participation in a Tower show does not qualify for a Spotlight credit.

If you’re successful, you will need to upgrade to a Member’s subscription and you are eligible to audition for any of our productions. Your membership will automatically renew after a year.

We produce up to 18 shows a year so there are plenty of performing opportunities. Each production holds separate auditions and members are notified of casting dates and information here on the web site and via our newsletter, Noises Off. Occasionally, we also host ‘Open’ auditions which are open to members and non-members.

Show Auditions

Once you have passed a Company Audition and joined as a full Company Member, you can audition for a part in a specific show. Audition notices for forthcoming shows are below.

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